Grand Rapids, Michigan
CFC Sponsored clinics coming during Spring Break 2025
Our second edition touring in Grand Rapids, Michigan area will be held this Spring Break 2025, where we will bring for the second time as we bring our UEFA Pro futbol and futbol sala coaches to give the players in the area a taste of the modalities we work with in Barcelona every day.
Our goal is to not only host another development camp but also provide a Coaching intensive to help support player growth in our beloved city.
Stay tuned as this will be an amazing opportunity to learn the whys and especially the hows of developing players the CFC way. Register below in advance to secure your spot!
Players who attend the Christmas camp will be offered a discounted rate towards our Barcelona tour in June 2025. (This is our initiative to ensure our local players experience our training methods in its totality and feel what its like to train and develop with local Spanish talent. More info to come!)

Basic Camp Rules
- Each player must come ready to train 15 minutes before the scheduled time.
- It will not be allowed to incorporate players who arrive more than 10 minutes late to training (without prior justification)
- No player will be allowed to train without the campus kit (Camp training top and black shorts)
- Sessions are to be paid in advance in cash before the first day, through the website (only credit card)
- Unsportsmanlike character (laziness, argumentative, disrespectful remarks or actions towards staff or others will not be tolerated.)
- Players will only be warned 2 times and can be uninvited without reimbursement.
*Sessions or payments are not recovered under any circumstance. *Players will be mixed by level, not gender (exception in 17+ group)