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Whether it is a 10 days, 2 week or a 1 month tour, we will show you what its like to live, breathe, eat and enjoy the European lifestyle while experiencing competition.

This tour is not meant for everyone. This offering is based on the pure development and evaluation of players who are serious in becoming something greater in the sport. This tour offers:


Transportation (Coach bus, to and from airport and throughout stay*)
Food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) at hotel/residency
Accomodations in Barcelona/Sevilla, inside center 3-4*** hotel (triple rooms) or residency
Beach trips to Barceloneta and Castelldefels and Day trip to BCN center
Camp Nou tour and museum (in Barcelona)
Visit to Sagrada Familia and Barrio Gotico or cultural spots in Sevilla
Scrimmages with local teams 
Morning training sessions with our Pro coaches
Player analysis using Titan 2 GPS or game analysis (if available)
CFC Barcelona gifts and training tops
Picture and video experience provided
Tri-lingual guide throughout stay 
Possible Live streaming of your friendlies (as an addition) and more!!

Just fill out the form and we will have a customised project proposal sent to you in 48 hours

Individual Professional Evaluation Basketball Tour

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